Our impact
Espoo Schools and Day Care Centers, Finland
This project is the first social PPP in the country*. Espoo is Finland’s 2nd largest city located close to Helsinki. This is also Meridiam’s third project in Finland.
The project is part of city of Espoo’s investment program called “Schools in shape” and will contribute to approximately 15% of the identified needs to guarantee healthy and functional premises for schools and day care centers in the city. It intends to enhance the learning environment by providing safe and healthy spaces for students and school staff and by improving air quality in the premises.
The project is a 22-year contract to design, build, finance and maintain 5 schools and 3 daycare centers for over 4,000 pupils.
The design and construction work as well as Operation & Maintenance of the Project are conducted by YIT, Meridiam’s partner in the previous E-18 I and II projects.
Under Construction
ESG/SDG Key Facts
The Project primarily intends to improve the learning environment for pupils and teachers and provide a high-quality educational environment (i.e., improving air quality). It will also provide the city of Espoo with additional capacity for 4,000 students/pupils.
SDG 4 (Quality Education)
Espoo Schools is contributing to the provision of equitable access to high-quality education in the region. By 2024 the project will deliver 5 schools and day care centres serving over 4,000 pupils.
SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)
All the facilities in the project have been designed to be energy efficient. The Project uses passive methods, for example using structural and architectural designs to retain heat through thick insulation and a tight envelope, but also active methods such as on-site renewable heat production through ground heat pumps. The installations also are highly automated, and ventilation, heating and lighting are reduced when the spaces are not occupied. The Project has developed internal policy regarding emission reduction and will implement emission reduction monitoring systems once construction is over. As part of
the design phase, energy efficient measures have been incorporated into the building design.
SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure)
The Project was selected by the UN as a demonstration of what cities can do to achieve the goals because of its pioneering nature. All facilities are equipped with ground source heat pumps land panned heating supply of the pumps cover 2/3 of annual heating demand.
SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)
All spaces, interior and exterior, are designed with universal access. Floors are accessible for the disabled persons, door sizes and thresholds are designed for wheelchairs and all facilities include toilets/showers for disabled people. Stairs and pathways are designed with materials for visually impaired people easier to identify. Many of the spaces are equipped with induction loops for people with hearing aids.
The project has commenced a carbon foot print assessment.
The Project has achieved greater development of green areas than is legally required. Five out of eight sites are brownfield sites in urban areas, where little to no green areas existed before.
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