Meridiam’s blended finance model contributing to new records in net new institutional flows into infrastructure funds
In a must-read article – published in the Q1 2019 issue of Revue Analyse Financière(N°70) – M. Nicolas J. Firzli, Director General of the World Pensions Council (WPC) comes back on the rise of this “strategic asset class par excellence”.
Among different trends, he highlights the essential part financial innovation and co-investment play in the development of the asset class. Mentioning blended finance, he focuses on the impact Meridiam, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) had in Turkey through a unique jointly-structured credit enhancement structure.
Together they enabled Moody’s to assign a Baa2 rating which was two notches above the rating of Turkey at the time. Later on, it also led to the mobilization of worldwide investors including the IFC (WBG) and France’s Proparco.