Meridiam’s 2024 Impact Report is now available!

2024 marks the beginning of a new ambition for Meridiam
Our new Mission Objectives to 2030 address our latest targets for positive impact on Climate, People and Nature and sit at the confluence of the evolving regulatory environment and our own pledges. They dovetail neatly with the timelines for broad international targets including the UNSDGs, as well as our own goals, such as our commitment to the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative to reduce Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, and ultimately to be carbon neutral across our organization and all our assets by 2050.
Each commitment we make is not an aspiration or a hook for marketing. It is a hard target, backed by rigorous assessment, root and branch action, and accountability to ensure we deliver our promises. They require intense and immediate effort. But they will bring tangible benefits for people and the planet, ultimately contributing to our value creation.
Our overall climate strategy and global decarbonisation plan will lay the foundations of our path towards greater positive impact. They will be followed by detailed action plans for all our assets by early 2025.
There will be no one-size-fits-all approach. Each plan will set targets that are both ambitious and realistic, representing the best each asset can achieve. And, of course, while playing our part in tackling the causes of climate change, we will continue to address its effects with assets and strategies that help countries and communities to adapt and become more resilient.
Applying that focus to People gives us a global policy on the protection of Human Rights, as well as the promotion of gender equality across our organisation and assets, backed by strategies for professional development, promotion of talent, and more inclusive hiring practices.
Apply it to Nature and we have approaches that can elevate our already-high standards on protecting
the environment. As early adopters of the Taskforce of Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), we are trialling methodologies to assess nature-based risks and opportunities, thereby helping us deliver investments that contribute even more positively to biodiversity.
Every action needs to produce clear impact, but also represent value for money. Our tools make sure we
maximise the use of our investors’ resources, and allow us to assess our progress annually. And, if needed, we will realign our targets to be even more ambitious.
Thanks to our ever evolving approach, we can deliver impact in active areas – critical public services, sustainable mobility, and innovative low-carbon solutions – while identifying complementary fields where we can make a real difference, such as the deployment of nature-based solutions and the transition to more sustainable agriculture.
Our Mission is our guide, so all these opportunities must be carefully mapped, clearly defined, and deliver impact that drives us towards our Objectives.
Infrastructure today remains an asset class characterised by its relationship between risk and reward. Yet it is also a sector ripe for innovation, where creative thinking can create assets that can make a meaningful difference to people and the planet around them.
« By linking concrete objectives with defined action plans, we can create and transform infrastructure assets to deliver real impact. » says Thierry Déau, Founding partner, Chief Executive Officer of Meridiam.
In 2023, we’ve invested $3 billion >> learn more about the impact of our investments!
(Total of transaction sizes for projects added in 2023)
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