Our Impact
Kipeto Wind Farm
Kipeto (also known as Kipeto Energy PLC or KEP) is a 100MW onshore wind farm in Kenya. The second largest wind farm in the country, it consists of 60 General Electric (GE) turbines, generating about 432 GWh of power annually and a key supplier to the electricity grid serving the Nairobi economic corridor.
Kipeto is an Independent Power Producer (IPP) with a 20-year power purchase agreement with the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), Kenya’s national utility. Kipeto started commercial operations in July 2021.
Meridiam is in the process of completing the acquisition of an 88% shareholding in KEP from Actis, while a minority interest of 12% will remain with Cratsfkills, the original developers of the project based in Kenya.
Acquisition signed, pending CP satisfaction
ESG/SDG Key Facts:
ESG performance remains top notch, with strong positive social and environmental benefits confirmed and strengthened.
• “Shut Down on Demand” systems have performed as expected, and compensation measures are progressing towards the targeted net gain
• The Community Trust fund has been established
• All households interviewed during the site visit held in September 2023 indicated they were satisfied with their new homes and living arrangements.