Our impact
Norscut Highway, Portugal
This Project consists of the operation of a 157-km road until 2030. Located in the north of Portugal, the road is the A24, connecting Chaves (at the Spanish border in the north) to Viseu (Interior Centre in the south).
The motorway is 2×2 lanes, with four service areas, and includes 35 special structures, 141 overpasses and underpasses, 23 interchanges and four tunnels (total length 1.5km). Norscut subcontracts the routine O&M to Egis Road
Operation and retains the responsibility for heavy maintenance. Major repairs of the pavement are the responsibility of the Grantor.
In 2016, Meridiam purchased 100% of the toll road from the existing stakeholders Eiffage, Egis Projects, BPCE and Sonae Capital.
In Operation
ESG/SDG Key Facts
The highway has been operating for several years and adheres to all local regulations. Regular security updates are scheduled for the operator and sub-contractors. Norscut participated in a road safety campaign to raise awareness of users by the
Association of Portuguese Motorway Concessionaires and entitled “Respect those who work on the road” is planned for Q3 2023.
Innovative technological, agricultural and cultural initiatives are being analysed by the Project Company and the Operator, some of which have started to be implemented such as: deterrent alarms for small animals at interchanges (all interchanges have been equipped as of Q4 2022), or use of drones for inspection works.
A start-up competition (INOV@24) for ideas and solutions in relation to highways and agriculture or technology was launched at YE 2021. The selection of ideas and award ceremony were held in Q2 2022 and discussions for the implementation of winning projects are ongoing with the various stakeholders. An initiative to raise drivers’ awareness of road security and of INOV@24, was carried out in July 2022 in partnership with the association Cap Magellan with the distribution of merchandizing (tire pressure gauges, fans and bags) and leaflets concerning Safety of Maintenance Agents and Patrollers.
To boost social interaction, fairs for local products, crafts etc have been promoted in the service areas for local residents and users of the road. Norscut met with more than 10 municipalities of the region in Q3 and Q4 2022 to see the opportunities for partnership with these local entities.