Our impact
Fulcrum, UK
The UK Government launched the Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT)programme in 2000 for establishing partnerships between public and private sector organisations, for regenerating and maintaining the building fabric of primary care and community health services.
Under the LIFT model, new facilities are built from new or refurbished buildings that are then managed and maintained under the ownership of a LIFT company, which then leases the buildings back to NHS (National Health Service) service providers over a fixed term (usually 25 years).
Meridiam is a major investor in the health estates sector in the UK, through its 100% ownership of Fulcrum Infrastructure Group (FIG).
FIG is the private sector partner in four LIFT companies. Each covers a distinct geographic area in Merseyside (Liverpool) and London. FIG is also a shareholder in two other LIFT companies in Oxford and Bristol. The portfolio includes 42 primary and community healthcare facilities. All facilities are operational, estimated to be serving around five million patients per year, staffed by nearly 3,900 NHS employees.
In Operation
ESG/SDG Key Facts
All 42 LIFT schemes have achieved either a BREEAM “very good” or “excellent” rating.
The LIFT companies have developed and sponsored innovative media campaigns (typically in partnership with sports clubs) to support the NHS.
Thousands of children in the Lambeth community participated in naming a local park regenerated by the project – now named “Peregrine Park ».
> Learn more about the project: